Wednesday, October 15, 2014

(Another) Paranormal Story*

Alright soo, I figured I would add my very first ever Paranormal Experience to this lovely blog..

Seeing as how its been a while since I updated.
I wasn't always some wierdo with horrible nightmares, I used to be a very normal heavy sleeping girl who hated being woken up and could sleep alll dayy. Then one night out of the blue, I had a horrific nightmare that scared me fucking shitless. Little did I know that this was the beginning of an awesome reoccurence for me :) yay.

It starts with me immediately falling asleep, Im talking head hits pillow zonked out right after type of shit it was so wierd. It wasn't like I was completely asleep tho, for some reason I was completely aware of everything around me, as if I was still awake. I couldnt move, arms legs head nothing. So logically I start to yell for my dad to help me, only no sound will come out. I cant even open my mouth to scream!! It was then that I realized to my absolute HORROR, that someone or SOMETHING was coming down my basement stairs, and headed right for my bed. Looking over at the doorway all I could see was a dark shadow, the outline of a man no face no other details just a dark shadowy figure. 

I almost instantly got the feeling that this "other" being did not like me, that it wanted to HURT ME. 

I flipped the fuckkk outtt. Thrashing around wildly in my bed, I tried desperately again and again to scream for help only nothing but a whisper would come. This figure gets closer and closer to the bed, so that its now standing RIGHT ABOVE ME. I shut my eyes tight not wanting to see what horrible action was about to take place, and possibly to ME. It felt like someone grabbed my ankles this time to, as if I was being pulled off the end of the bed. But as with my last dream and all the other my bed seemed to move with it. At one point I finally did open my eyes and although I couldnt see any details, the figure was LAYING NEXT TO ME ON MY BED.

It was at this point, THANK GOD, that I finally woke up from my "nightmare". I bolted out of my bed and ran to turn the light on, feeling EXTREMELY uneasy and scared of my own room. I didnt know what had just happened, all I know is that I never wanted it to happen again. (hahaha jokes on me)

Ive probably had MORE THAN 10 of these "paranormal experiences". Sometimes I drink before sleeping, thinking it might help me have a dreamless and therefore safe sleep.. but no, thats impossible lol 

These dreams feel so real, the hands grabbing leave me in pain hours after Ive woken up, I've woken up with scratches on my arms and legs.. 

Its scary shit man, scary shit. If you've ever had an experience like this comment and let me know! I read all these stories from other people, stories that sound almost if not identical to mine, and I'd love to talk about them more in depth.



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